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Julie Davies

Most people, including myself, thought I was mad when I told Mr McDermott that I wanted to go ahead with an ACL reconstruction with an 8 week old baby! The motivated part of me was determined to get it done and get back to playing tennis &
skiing as quickly as possible, and the lazy part of me figured this way I wouldn’t have to get fit post baby and again post op.

I was examined by Mr McDermott where he looked at my previous MRI scans, had a good look at my knee, and made sure I was fully aware of the post operation consequences – 4 days later I was in hospital for the operation! The process was very well managed, I saw Mr McDermott and the anaesthetist before the operation who both explained the procedures and answered any number of stupid questions I had. I also spoke to them both immediately after the operation and again the next day to discuss the operation and the next steps.

I expected the period straight after the operation to be a lot more painful & awkward than it was. I was encouraged to be weight bearing as soon as I could after the operation and within a week could walk comfortably without crutches which was a big
relief for me to give me some freedom to get out and about. I struggled with stairs for a good few weeks after that.

If I’m honest, despite being told and told again that the ACL recovery was a long process involving a lot of hard work, I hadn’t really thought about that-I’d only been focused on the operation & the first couple of months post op. I started attending physio sessions at the local hospital twice a week and made good fast progress at the start getting the range of motion back in my knee and becoming stronger. I had exercises to do at home, which I did but it was all quite low key. After 3-4 months I wasn’t making much progress and was getting bored and lazy with the rehab. I’d expected after such rapid progress at the start to be running and was quite demotivated. I contacted Mr McDermott who advised me that I needed to be doing much more intensive rehab & put me in touch with Sports Dimensions. It was just what I needed. The sessions were really hard work, but really good fun. I realised how slack I’d been with my exercises at home! Each session was like having a personal trainer for an hour really putting you through your paces. That, combined with exercises at home, put me on a rapid road to recovery again.

Julie skiing 8½ months after her ACL surgery.

Julie skiing 8½ months after her ACL surgery.

I’m very pleased to say that after another 5 months of hard(but enjoyable) work, I was able to go skiing 8.5months after having my ACL reconstruction, and I will return to playing tennis within another month or two.

I would highly recommend Mr McDermott if you are considering a knee operation- he was always honest with me about the options and the consequences, and has been available and helpful throughout the 10months since the operation.