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Mr Ian McDermott


Based at:

Special interests

  • Sports injuries of the lower limb
  • Management of knee arthritis
  • Knee arthroscopy
  • Meniscal repair and meniscal transplantation (replacement)
  • Articular cartilage repair and replacement (cartilage grafting)
  • Biological knee replacement/reconstruction
  • Knee ligament reconstructions (including ACL reconstruction)
  • Patellar realignment/stabilisation
  • Realignment osteotomy surgery
  • Custom-made partial and total knee replacements

Mr McDermott’s second opinion service for complex knees.

Professional positions

  • Honorary Professor Associate, Brunel University School of Sport & Education
  • Council Member and Trustee of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (2004-2010)
  • Council Member (2007-2010) and Fellow of the Faculty of Sports & Exercise Medicine
  • Chairman of the RCSEng Medical Student Liaison Committee (2004-2010)
  • Past President and Honorary Lifetime Member of the UK Biological Knee Society (BKS)
  • Chairman of the Orthopaedic and Trauma Specialists Indemnity Scheme (OTSIS), (2018-2023)
  • Vice Chairman of The Federation of Independent Practitioners Organisations (FIPO)
  • Medical Director for Secondary Care, Total Doctor
  • Managing Partner, London Sports Orthopaedics

Personal details

Ian has lived in Ruislip for the last 20 years. He is married and has two children. Ian grew up in Southend and was Head Boy of Westcliff High School for boys. He also sang in the Southend Boys’ Choir, performing regularly in venues including the Royal Albert Hall and the Royal Festival Hall. Nowadays, outside of his professional life, Ian maintains an interest in sailing, music and wine.

Medical & Surgical Training

Ian trained at Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical School and qualified in 1992. His postgraduate medical training was then undertaken in various hospitals across the UK, including Southend, Peterborough, Northampton, Nottingham and Oxford. In 1998 Ian started specialist training in Trauma & Orthopaedics as a Specialist Registrar in the North West Thames region. During his training, Ian spent a period at Southampton General Hospital with Mr David Barrett, as a specialist Knee Fellow. Ian completed his specialist training in 2003, and was then awarded his Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) and was entered onto the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council.

Ian was appointed as a Consultant in the Orthopaedic Department at Ealing Hospital in April 2005 and took up his position there in June 2005. Prior to this he was employed as a Locum Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Consultant at Hillingdon Hospital for 11 months. Ian has now left the NHS and works exclusively in the independent sector.

Membership of Professional Associations

Ian is a member of the following:-

The British Orthopaedic Association
The British Association for Surgery of the Knee
The London Consultants Association
The UK Biological Knee Society

Positions of Professional Responsibility

In 2003 – 2004 Ian was President of the British Orthopaedic Trainees Association and sat on the Council of the British Orthopaedic Association and the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He was also an invited observer on the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and was the Trainees Representative on the Joint Committee for Higher Surgical Training.

In April 2004 Ian was the youngest ever surgeon to be elected as a Council Member and Trustee of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, for a 6-year term of office (2004-2010). Ian was also appointed onto the Council of the Faculty of Sports & Exercise Medicine, as the representative of the Royal College of Surgeons (2007-2010). He has also been the Chairman of the Royal College’s Medical Student Liaison Committee (2004-2010). In addition, Ian is a Board Member and is Vice Chairman of the Federation of Independent Practitioners Organisations (FIPO).

Academic Interests

Ian first developed an interest in academic medicine whilst training as a junior doctor, and he has maintained a strong academic interest ever since. In April 2003, Ian was awarded the British Association for Surgery of the Knee (BASK) President’s Medal by Mr Malcolm Glasgow for his research into the biomechanics of meniscal repair.

Ian’s continued involvement in academia and research has resulted in him being awarded a Master of Surgery Higher Degree from Imperial College in 2004, with a thesis on The Biomechanics of Human Meniscal Transplantation.

In June 2005, Ian was appointed an Honorary Professor Associate at Brunel University in the School of Sport & Education.

Ian’s publications to-date include:-

“Meniscal repair: a review of current practice”
F Tudor, McDermott ID and Myers P
Orthopaedics and Trauma 2014; 28(2): 88-96

“Graft options for ACL reconstructive surgery”
ID McDermott
Orthopaedics and Trauma 2013 June; 27(3): 156-163

“Meniscal tears, repairs and replacement: their relevance to osteoarthritis of the knee.”
ID McDermott
British Journal of Sports Medicine Published on-line 5-2-2011

Mini-symposium: “Sort Tissue Surgery in the Knee”
Editorial (Special Guest Editor)
ID McDermott
Orthopaedics and Trauma 2010 Apr; 24(2): 83

“Biomechanics of the meniscus”
SD Masouros, ID McDermott, AMJ Bull and AA Amis
In The Meniscus Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2010, pp 29-38 (Book Chapter)

“Anatomy of the meniscus”
ID McDermott, SD Masouros, AMJ Bull and AA Amis
In The Meniscus Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2010, pp 11-18 (Book Chapter)

“The ABC of Physical Activity for Health: a consensus statement from the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences.”
O’Donovan G, Blazevich AJ, Boreham C, Cooper AR, Crank H, Ekelund U, Fox KR, Gately P, Giles-Corti B, Gill JM, Hamer M, McDermott I, Murphy M, Mutrie N, Reilly JJ, Saxton JM, Stamatakis E.
Journal of Sports Sciences 2010 Apr; 28(6): 573-91

“What tissue bankers should know about the use of allograft meniscus in orthopaedics.”
Ian D. McDermott
Cell and Tissue Banking (2010) 11:75-85

“Meniscal tears, repairs and replacement: a cutting edge view.”
ID McDermott & A Robertson
Orthopaedic Product News 2009 (August): 32-34

“Prevention of intra-operative contamination from surgical gown cuffs.”
Grice J, Haleem S, McDermott I
Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 2009; 40(4): 458

“The Meniscus 2007 – Reconstruction and Regeneration.”
ID McDermott, E van Arkel, R Warwick, D Holsten
The Knee 2008; 15(5): II – VI

“Biomechanics of the menisci of the knee.”
I.D. McDermott, S.D. Masouros and A.A. Amis
Current Orthopaedics 2008; 22(3): 193 – 201

“The effects of lateral menical allograft transplantation techniques on tibio-femoral contact pressures.”
I.D. McDermott, D.T.T. Lie, A. Edwards, A.M.J. Bull, A.A. Amis
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2008; 16(6): 553 – 560

“Building a successful practice – I.T. matters.”
I.D. McDermott
Orthopaedic Product News 2007; May: 48 – 50

“The consequences of meniscectomy.”
I.D. McDermott and A.A.Amis
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British) 2006; 88-B(12): 1549 – 1556

“Meniscal tears.”
I.D. McDermott
Current Orthopaedics 2006; 20(2): 85 – 94

“Human meniscal allograft transplantation.”
I.D. McDermott and N.P.Thomas
The Knee 2006; 13(1): 69 – 71

“Soft tissue allografts in the knee: a survey of UK usage and a report of a combined user/provider collaborative group.”
I.D. McDermott, N.P.Thomas, S. Poniatowski and R.M.Warwick
The Knee 2006; 13(1): 72 – 75. E-pub 21/11/05

“Tendon Allografts in the Knee.”
I.D. McDermott and N.P.Thomas
The Knee 2005; 12(6): 401 – 404. E-pub 27/10/05

“Management of suspected scaphoid fractures in accident and emergency departments – time for new guidelines.”
C.C. Tai, M. Ramachandran, I.D. McDermott, S. Ridgeway and Z. Mirza
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2005; 87(5): 353 – 357

“An anatomical study of meniscal allograft sizing.”
I.D. McDermott, F. Sharifi, A.M.J. Bull, C.M. Gupte, R.deW. Thomas and A.A. Amis
Knee Surgery, Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2004; 12(2): 130-135

“A Biomechanical study of 4 different meniscal repair systems, comparing pullout strengths and gapping across the repair site under cyclical loading.”
S. Richards, I.D. McDermott, P. Hallam, S. Tavares and A.A. Amis
Knee Surgery, Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2003; 11 (1): 23-29

“The Role of Re-hydration in the prevention of Fat Embolism Syndrome.”
I.D. McDermott, P.Culpan, M. Clancy and J. Dooley
Injury 2002; 33: 757-759

“Meniscofemoral ligaments revisited. Anatomical study, age correlation and clinical implications.”
C.M. Gupte, A. Smith, I.D. McDermott, A.M.J. Bull, R.DeW. Thomas and A.A. Amis
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 2002; 84-B: 846-851

“The Internet – friend or foe? A questionnaire study of orthopaedic out-patients.”
C.M. Gupte, A. Hassan, I.D. McDermott and R.DeW. Thomas
The Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2002; 84: 187-192

“Biomechanical function of the ligaments and menisci of the knee.”
A.A. Amis, A.M.J. Bull and I.D. McDermott
Pathologie ligamentum du genu. Ph Landreau, P Christel. P Dijan Eds. Springer Verlag Pub, 2001

“Day case anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a feasibility study.”
I.D. McDermott, C. Hobbs, C. Gupte and J. Hollingdale
The Journal of One-Day Surgery 2001; 10(4): 8-9

“Does the addition of morphine to intra-articular bupivacaine injection improve pain relief after knee arthroscopy? ”
I.D. McDermott, E. Crowhurst, E.J.P. Crawfurd and S.G. Tordoff
The Knee 1999; 6: 17-19

“Prospective randomised controlled trial to compare skin staples and polypropylene for securing the mesh in inguinal hernia repair.”
I.W. Mills, I.D. McDermott and D.A. Ratliff
The British Journal of Surgery 1998 Jan ; 85(6) : 790-2

“Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Presenting as a Typical Branchial Cyst.”
I.D. McDermott and G. Watters
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 1996 Vol 110 (No 5) 490-492


Ian has also given numerous presentations at both national and international meetings, including:-


“Does the addition of morphine to intra-articular bupivacaine injection improve pain relief after knee arthroscopy ?”

  • Presented at The British Association for Surgery of the Knee Spring Meeting in Harrogate 14th March ’97
    “Anterior Cervical Fusion: Preliminary Results Comparing the Smith-Robinson Technique with the Carbon Fibre Interbody Fusion Cage”
  • Presented at the British Cervical Spine Society Annual Meeting, Bristol, 12th-13th November 1999
  • Presented at The St. Mary’s Hospital Short Papers Prize Day, 15th December 1999
  • AWARDED 3rd place Prize at The Lipmann Kessel Prize Paper Presentation Day, Charing Cross Hospital, 29th March 2000
  • Presented at The 8th Spinal Surgery Course, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, 29th September 2000

“The Role of Re-hydration in the prevention of Fat Embolism Syndrome.”

  • Presented at The British Trauma Society Meeting, Norwich, 22nd September 2000

“Meniscal Transplantation.”

  • Presented at “Alternative Strategies in Knee Ligament Reconstruction”, 1st March 2001, Mayday Hospital, London

“A blinded randomised controlled biomechanical study of the material properties of human meniscal allografts, comparing three different processing techniques.”

  • Presented at 9th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Association for Tissue Banking, 9th – 11th April 2001, Wrexham
  • Presented at the European Meniscal Transplantation Group (EMTG) Meeting at ESSKA, Rome, Italy, 25th April 2002
  • Presented at the British Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Cardiff, September 2002
  • Poster Presentation at the British Association for Surgery of the Knee Meeting, Windermere, 4th – 5th April 2003
  • Poster Presentation at the European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 13th Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 5th-6th June 2003

“A Biomechanical study of 4 different meniscal repair systems, comparing pullout strengths and gapping across the repair site under cyclical loading.”

  • Presented at the British Association for Surgery of the Knee (BASK) meeting, London, 7th February 2002
  • AWARDED 2nd place Prize at The Lipmann Kessel Prize Paper Presentation Day, Charing Cross Hospital, 27th March 2002
  • AWARDED the BASK President’s Medal, April 2003, by Mr Malcolm Glasgow

“An anatomical study of meniscal allograft sizing.”

  • Presented at the European Meniscal Transplantation Group (EMTG) Meeting at ESSKA, Rome, Italy, 25th April 2002
  • Poster Presentation at the British Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Cardiff, September, 2002
  • Presented at the British Association for Surgery of the Knee Meeting, Winderemere, 5th April 2003
  • Poster Presentation at the European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 13th Annual Meeting, Helsinki, 5th June 2003

“A biomechanical study of lateral meniscal transplantation.”

  • Presented at Registrars’ Teaching Day, The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry, 24th May 2002

“Lateral meniscal allograft transplantation. Surgical technique and study of the effects on intra-articular contact pressures.”

  • Poster Presentation at the British Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Cardiff, September 2002
  • Presented at the St Mary’s Hospital Registrars’ Short Paper Prize Day, 18th December 2002, AWARDED 2nd place Prize.
  • Presented at the British Association for Surgery of the Knee Meeting, Windermere, 5th April 2003
  • Presented at the European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 13th Annual Meeting, Helsinki, 6th June 2003
  • Presented at the American Meniscal Transplantation Study Group Meeting, San Francisco, 10th March 2004

“The use of soft tissue allografts in knee surgery.”

  • Invited Lecture at the Tissue Services Retrieval Training Day, The National Blood Service, Birmingham, 18th March 2003

“Meniscal allograft transplantation: a cadaveric study of implantation techniques and their mechanical effectiveness.”

  • Presented at the British Association of Tissue Banking Meeting, Liverpool, 8th April 2003

“The Biomechanics of Meniscal Repair.”

  • Invited Lecture in Symposium “Meniscal Injury – Resect or Repair?” at the 6th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Helsinki, Finland, 10th June 2003

“Soft Tissue Allografts in the Knee – Surgical Basics and UK Practice.”

  • Invited Lecture at the Controversies in Knee Surgery VI Course, London, 19th June 2003

“Just because its new, is it better?”

  • Instructional Session at BOA Annual Congress 17th September 2003, Birmingham – Session Chairman

“Implications for registrar training.”

  • Invited Talk at a conference on DTCs, organised by FIPO, 7th October 2003, The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, London

“Post-meniscectomy complications.”

  • Invited Lecture at ‘The Windsor Current Concepts in Knee Surgery’ Symposium, Wentworth Golf Club, 15th January 2004

“Results of PCL / PLC reconstruction.”

  • Invited lecture at ‘The Windsor Current Concepts in Knee Surgery’ Symposium, Wentworth Golf Club, 16th January 2004

“Medicolegal Reporting in Orthopaedic Practice.”

  • Invited lecture at The British Orthopaedic Trainees Association Annual Meeting, 4th June 2005

“When neck of femurs break.”

  • Invited lecture (and meeting Chairman) at ’21st Century NOF – Modern Management of the Fractured Neck of Femur’, a meeting hosted by the RSM in association with the ARGO Medical Education Programme, 29th September 2005, The Royal Society of Medicine, London.

“The prevention of exercise-induced injury.”

  • Invited lecture at The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences’ Consensus Meeting on ‘Physical activity in the prevention of chronic disease. Brunel University, Middlesex, 24th April 2007

“The ARGO experience in the UK.”

  • Invited talk at The Stryker Global Education Strategy Meeting, Hunstrete House, Bath, 20th September 2007

“The effects of meniscal allograft transplantation techniques on tibio-femoral contact pressures.”
ID McDermott, DTT Lie, A Edwards, AMJ Bull and AA Amis

  • Presented by I.D. McDermott at The British Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress, Manchester, 28th September 2007

“Finite Element Study of Screw Fixation in Augmented Cancellous Bone.”
R MacInnes, A Day, CJ Brown, ID McDermott, P Procter, B Hess

  • Poster Presentation (by P Proctor) at The Orthopaedic Trauma Association 23rd Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, 17th – 20th October 2007

“A finite element analysis study of devices for fixation of intra-articular distal femoral fractures.”
ID McDermott, A Day, R MacInnes, CJ Brown, P Procter

  • Poster Presentation at The British Association for Surgery of the Knee 2008 Annual Meeting, Bournemouth, 17th – 28th April 2008

“A Study of Retrograde Intramedullary Devices for Condylar Fixation”
CJ Brown, R MacInnes, A Day, P Procter, ID McDermott, and GV Oldenburg

  • Presented by CJ Brown at ‘Bioengineering09’, Oxford, September 24th – 25th 2009

Click image to watch Mr McDermott’s video

Knee Surgeon

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Honorary Professor Associate, Brunel University

GMC: 3581562
AXA: IM01422
BUPA: 03581562
WPA: 920277666
Aviva: 600040393
Cigna: M121923

Please note that I do not accept Vitality insurance.


Secretary: Lucy Thompson
Phone: 020 7496 3553