I am a keen cyclist and began experiencing pain in my left knee at the beginning of 2019. Having been through over a year of physio, steroid injections and an inconclusive MRI scan, my physio recommended I see Mr. McDermott to explore surgical options.
The initial consultation with Ian involved a physical examination followed by an in depth explanation of the MRI scan. Mr. McDermott was able to identify from the MRI that I was suffering from medial plica syndrome and that I had a small fissure in the cartilage at the end of my femur. Mr. McDermott talked me through what the surgery would involve and the likely recovery period before we set a date for the summer of 2020.
I had surgery at London Bridge Hospital, and the process was as smooth as possible. Due to coronavirus restrictions, it was important that I self-isolated for two weeks prior to surgery. I then had a COVID test at the hospital two days before my surgery and my temperature was again checked when I arrived on the day at the hospital, before I was shown to my private room. Prior to surgery, Mr. McDermott, my anaesthetist and a resident physio all came to my room to talk through the surgery and recovery in the days and weeks afterwards. Surgery went smoothly, with the plica removed and the fissure in my cartilage sealed, and I walked out of hospital less than 6 hours after being admitted.
I spent the first week post surgery gradually increasing the amount of walking each day, while building up the isometric exercises given to me by the physio. I then started more intensive physio work with Paul Argent at Human Movement.
I was back on a static bike within a month and I was able to cycle for half an hour completely pain free for the first time in nearly 18 months. Both physio work and cycling work were built up gently over the next month, by the end of which I was able to cycle 100km each week.
In my case, surgery was absolutely the right call. It has been the only thing that has resolved the pain I felt in my left knee and I am now able to regularly cycle. I would not hesitate to recommend Mr. McDermott to anyone considering potential knee surgery.
Mr Will Luck, 17/11/20