Tennis and golfer’s elbow in my left arm caused me such intense pain, and I’d been living with it for more than six years. I tried everything – slings, creams, pills, cortisone injections. Nothing worked.
The pain was horrible. There was no end to it. Just doing daily activities, like washing my face, really hurt. I dreaded having to lift anything, which caused real difficulties in my job.
A friend recommended that I see Mr Makki and I’ve never looked back. When I saw Mr Makki, he was very honest and upfront with me about my treatment options. He explained that he could treat the pain in my elbow, firstly by giving me PRP injections and dry needling of the tendon, but there was no absolute guarantee that this would work, and if it didn’t, then surgery would need to be considered.
The injections and dry needling worked! The pain has completely gone. I don’t worry or even think about my elbow anymore. It doesn’t rule my life. I’m now back at the gym again, lifting weights!
I’m so grateful to Mr Makki. The care I received from him was 1001% and worth every penny! I’ve now got my life back. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is suffering with elbow pain.