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This was the best consultation I’ve had to date, despite it being on video call. Thanks to Mr Chandrashekar’s expertise, I’m now on an appropriate path

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This was the best consultation I’ve had to date, despite it being on video call. Thanks to Mr Chandrashekar’s expertise, I’m now on an appropriate path

Prior to coming into Mr Chandrashekar’s care, I’d been been dealing with a long running ankle issue. Due to current restrictions on travel, my first consultation took place via video conferencing.

First, he took the time to walk through my medical history and his friendly manner encouraged me to ask every question I had on my mind. This helped me develop an understanding of my own injury, which I had previously lacked.

I had been advised by a previous consultant that a surgical repair of an injured tendon was very successful. Despite me relaying that message, Mr Chandrashekar asked me to do a range of exercises during this video call. He identified areas of concern and recommended an MRI scan and dynamic ultrasound. The scans indicated a very serious issue that had been overlooked by my previous consultant during physical examination.

I must say, I feel this was the best consultation I’ve had to date, compared to the other consultants I’ve seen in person in Northern Ireland, and despite it being on a video call.

Thanks to Mr Chandrashekar’s expertise, I am now on an appropriate path towards rehabilitation. It’s anticipated I will need some corrective surgery, and despite living in a different part of the UK, post COVID-19, I will certainly be travelling to have any future operation undertaken by him.

Making a full recovery is my number one priority and I am very confident that I am now in the right hands.
